Live your truth and be open to any inspiration that speaks to you no matter how big or small it is - we all have the ability to reach others and connect with people...share now...
Hey pal,
Well i thought id let you know that after reading some of your old blogs a couple of weeks ago that they have acted as somewhat of a catalyst of some major change in my life. Although I had recently done the 10 day vipassana course (somewhat of a coincidence) it was the following your dream, extending yourself to achieve a reality that you might not have thought possible and the fact that there are some amazing people out there (this was the messages I took anyway).
The change. Well after 1 1/2 yr of having a terrible manager I told my director that I quit. funny how things work out because she turned around told me that she would restructure our entire office so that I stay and if it comes to it she can leave and I stay.
So thank you and keep living the dream.
Live your truth...