Friday, December 30, 2011

Make some noise in 2012

Here's to making 2012 the year where people continue to stand up and be different:

May you continue to overcome your little internal struggles that sometimes tell you are not good enough... 
May you continue to find that internal truth that guides you... 
May you continue to shine this light on those around you...
May you continue to choose what is unpopular, what is different and what some people tell you is the wrong way to do things...
May you continue to smile because you know there is never a wrong way...only your way...

Live your truth...

Monday, December 12, 2011

Success Stories

I just posted another success story on my website:

Live your truth...

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My Secrets Video

Don't forget the message...reach out if you need to...

Monday, November 21, 2011

Spring Love

A great friend of mine asked me to pen a poem for my cousin's wedding last weekend. Hope you enjoy it...

Spring Love

Spring is the time for rebirth and regrowth.
Pure are the seeds of love that you’ve planted,
Renewing in each precious moment.
In time the look in your eyes will show, that
Never will this love stop to grow,
Giving and never taking, this circle of love knows no limits.

Looking around in this moment,
Only you two know, how
Very lucky you are to see,
Every smile as your little angel grows.

So, tonight and always,
Wayne you are the man of the hour, and
Melissa you are the lady of all seasons...

Live your truth...

Steve Jobs: How to live before you die

Don't settle for anything else...

Live your truth...

Friday, October 28, 2011

Success stories & Website...

Happy Saturday...

I'm working on a healing website in between writing a book. Part of the site will include healing success stories from people I have worked with. I thought I would share one today and look forward to publishing the website within the next week.

Wishing you great moments,

Live your truth...

"I had been experiencing troubled sleeps, regular headaches and back pain. I had originally put these things down to old sporting injuries, a hectic workload and a mattress past it’s used by date. As a first timer to any form of healing and very basic knowledge of spiritual health. I had no expectations. In commencing the healing, Michael allowed me to understand the process that will occur and we began. Throughout, I believed it was working. Post healing, I immediately felt aligned. I felt calm and happy through what had occurred. I waited and reflected for weeks and eventually came to conclusion that I was experiencing long term benefits. I had not experienced a head ache or back pain. I slept when I was tired and felt more refreshed in the workplace and personal environment.
Something changed - Thanks Michael"


Monday, October 24, 2011


Just wanted to share a gift I wrote for a great friend of mine who celebrated his 73rd Birthday recently...


Little boy skips along the shoreline
He knows no thought
His spirit guides him
Footprints behind him
Never looking back

Darkness falls
Fear washes away the footprints to guide him home
The grip of darkness tightens
It is there
One cannot see it

His spirit goes quiet
No longer heard
He no longer sees choice

He grows defeated
Trapped in a bottle
A voice echoes
"Will somebody - anybody listen"

He hears
His spirit wakes
He hears
He takes his stand

Heart prints appear
He sees
They lead him home

The trees
The rocks
The eagle
The bear
All begin to speak
He listens
United as one

As his spirit guides him through the sunset of life
The wise old man walks slowly along the beach
One step
Then another

He turns
To see his footprints washed away
He smiles, as his spirit says;
"Home is that a way"

Live your truth...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Healing Intensive

I am currently in San Rafael attending a healing course...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Going beyond...

While we stay connected to the world it's important to remember to stay connected to:

To nature
To the moment
To the breath
To spirit
To the hearts beat

Going beyond what is physical is the key to freedom in this lifetime...

Live your truth

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Perceptions of value...

Just received some news from a great friend of mine who is starting a Sacred Space down in Tasmania...It's a true blessing to know her.

While writing to her this morning this came to me...

"The only currency with any true value is love"

What do you value? Where is your energy flowing? Where are you directing your thoughts?

Live your truth

Thursday, May 26, 2011

It used to be a Boulevard

Are we moving in the direction of our dreams? Whose dream are we living?

Our true dreams lie within us.

It's up to you how deep they lay but today I just wanted to tell you not to kid yourself or put yourself last. You deserve to be doing what is true to you.

It's the question's you ask yourself that lead to the greatest leaps...

Ask away...

Live your truth

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Here are some pictures of the finished notebooks...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Papermaking Workshop

I'm about to head off to run my first recycled paper making workshop. In the past weeks I have been preparing both the equipment for the workshop and commenced work on 30 notebooks that International House have ordered as part of their environmental program for this year.

Something that started out as a hobby is now taking me places I never thought. It's an exciting week for me as it will also mark my first foray into songwriting...well I had written the song quite a ways back, but singer/songwriter/performer/author/man with many hats David Christopher has just about finished recording 'The light in me...'

Live Your Truth

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Poor Man's Speech

I'm currently at home in Australia - my first visit in nearly two years. It's been wonderful to see so many loving friends and family since I arrived.

Martin Brofman emailed this link a few days ago and I just read it. It's about an Oscar Winner, who overcome a stammer early in his life and I was happy to read about how he visualised his way out of cancer.

Think about a time you have used visualisation? What were your experiences, thoughts, feelings?

In the past I have used it for many things, or to get 'stuff'. Like a job at the Winter Olympics, during a time in my life when things like this were important to me.

Looking at today and the present moment, my truth regarding visualisation is that it works. I use it daily to ensure I stay open - I keep my heart open to love and acceptance - it often serves as a reminder to live what is true to me and not to do what does not work for me. The practical application of this is to see an open heart filled with white light and by saying the words love and seeing this, open and flowing energy of love.

I'm very pleased to be home in Australia and that I have some healings coming up this week, something I have manifested.

My wish is that we all can experience successful visualisation experiences in line with our beliefs - our truth. If you want to use it at work to imporve your working relationships then do it. If you want to use it to feel happier or better about yourself then jump on board.

First - see it as a tool that works, then apply it, then trust it is happening, getting better and better, moment to moment. Then share your experiences so that we no longer view health and health care as out of reach. That we see it as free.

Our best medicine lay in our mind, our hearts, our being.

Anything can be healed.

Live Your Truth

Saturday, February 12, 2011

E.T - I Love You...

When Elliot had thought E.T had died the last thing he said before walking away was,

"I love you"

E.T then comes back to life.. The two of them are connected in a way that enables them to feel each other's emotions, feelings, thoughts. We also see that plant life is connected as a living breathing organism. None of this is an accident and was all beautifully written by Melissa Mathison and presented by Steven Spielberg.

Why am I writing this? Well the words "I love you" stayed with me - the very moment he came back to life. The expression of love came at a time when the person had passed on. Love is more than an expression, it is something to be felt, to be experienced. Experience it on this plane of existence - in this life time. Express it - yes - certainly do so without fear. Then be open to receiving love from those around you.

The opposite of this way of being would be living in resistance and fear. Ask yourself where in my life am I resisting? Resisting your inner self - your truth. Being someone else to the outside world? There is nothing brave about resistance. We are accustomed to hanging on when we should be letting go. Love is free.

We aren't at all different from anyone else on this earth. Put colour, race, religion all aside. We are physically in this lifetime to find what our truth is and be that person your spirit wishes to be - this is the alternative to the lives we currently lead.

Start now - express love to someone you are currently offering resistance to - offer love and tell them you accept them for who they are.

The heart chakra is all about love and acceptance. Our respiration system is linked to our heart chakra. Every breath is a reminder that love isn't something to chase or seek or find - it's around us, it's within us - with every breath we take.

Enjoy your weekend - Namaste...

Live your truth...

"In loves existence there is no resistance"

Friday, February 11, 2011

"Your task is not to seek love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it..."

Jalal ad-din Rumi

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ho'oponopono Mantra


Sunday, January 23, 2011

"Always do what you really want to do, deeply. Do not do what you really do not want to do, deeply. Throughout it all, always be who you really are, and trust your trip. If you have forgotten this basic rule of life, and have gone out of balance, you can be reassured by reminding yourself of your inner truth, that you are here to be happy, and that anything can be healed."

Martin Brofman from Anything Can Be Healed...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The year ahead...Alpha words...

I wouldn't call them resolutions - more of a close your eyes - say the month and take the first words that come to you. I spent about an hour new years eve meditating and then did this exercise for each month and it came about after developing interest in new moon intentions. I thought that i'd look to 'now' to see what in that very moment was going to present itself in the next 12 months.











