Friday, October 28, 2011

Success stories & Website...

Happy Saturday...

I'm working on a healing website in between writing a book. Part of the site will include healing success stories from people I have worked with. I thought I would share one today and look forward to publishing the website within the next week.

Wishing you great moments,

Live your truth...

"I had been experiencing troubled sleeps, regular headaches and back pain. I had originally put these things down to old sporting injuries, a hectic workload and a mattress past it’s used by date. As a first timer to any form of healing and very basic knowledge of spiritual health. I had no expectations. In commencing the healing, Michael allowed me to understand the process that will occur and we began. Throughout, I believed it was working. Post healing, I immediately felt aligned. I felt calm and happy through what had occurred. I waited and reflected for weeks and eventually came to conclusion that I was experiencing long term benefits. I had not experienced a head ache or back pain. I slept when I was tired and felt more refreshed in the workplace and personal environment.
Something changed - Thanks Michael"


Monday, October 24, 2011


Just wanted to share a gift I wrote for a great friend of mine who celebrated his 73rd Birthday recently...


Little boy skips along the shoreline
He knows no thought
His spirit guides him
Footprints behind him
Never looking back

Darkness falls
Fear washes away the footprints to guide him home
The grip of darkness tightens
It is there
One cannot see it

His spirit goes quiet
No longer heard
He no longer sees choice

He grows defeated
Trapped in a bottle
A voice echoes
"Will somebody - anybody listen"

He hears
His spirit wakes
He hears
He takes his stand

Heart prints appear
He sees
They lead him home

The trees
The rocks
The eagle
The bear
All begin to speak
He listens
United as one

As his spirit guides him through the sunset of life
The wise old man walks slowly along the beach
One step
Then another

He turns
To see his footprints washed away
He smiles, as his spirit says;
"Home is that a way"

Live your truth...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Healing Intensive

I am currently in San Rafael attending a healing course...