So i guess it is later in the week...I don't really subscribe to any set week so please accept my apologies if any of you are annoyed or frustrated at this.
The past month has been quite a is a snapshot:
A weekend Vipassana meditation retreat enabled me to look at all areas of my life from a different viewpoint...Seeing things the way they are and not from the mental view point that is created by the self was something I am extremely grateful for. Having worked with energy for two years now, I experienced the most 'connected' feeling I had ever had in feeling - as my head brushed the trees during a barefoot walking meditation - connected as an energy source to the earth, the trees - to everything. Meditating and living in love and kindness and right action are now part of my daily life. My meditations enable me to continually explore areas of my consciousness I would have never discovered. 10-day retreat to come...
A few moments after I sent the wish out to manifest some money to pay my rent I received an email from a friend saying that a language school was looking for an Australian male voice actor...I finished my recording last night and enjoyed the experience. It wasn't easy but like everything one sets their mind to we have the ability to take ourselves to places we have never been...If we don't label things 'hard' or work in opposites then everything can flow...everything can seem magical.
I also attended my first acting audition...I made a decision not to prepare too much as I realised I had acted my way through life anyway...all of us do we just don't realise it. If you don't think that is the case a little exercise I have used recently is to think of all the questions you ask of others and write them down. Now ask yourself the same questions and see what you come up with - personal responsibility is the answer to most of the things that are bothering us...
So after setting up a blog about life being a movie - I am going to be in one! I am so grateful to be able to work together with the writers/director and share my creative ideas. In late April I wrote a feature story on a local band doing great things here in Victoria and the theme of that story and the band's current and future success is creative synchronicity. I was talking to the lead singer and song writer Andrew the other day and I said how great it was that that same synchronicity is now present in this movie project...Filming will be in Tofino for a week in August and then in and around Victoria for a few weekends in September. I am so grateful for the opportunity and to be able to share some of my ideas and philosophies to the script truly is a gift.
My writing project continues and I aim to have it finished in the next few weeks in draft form is taking shape and a great process to go through. I will keep you all updated on this one...
What wonderful things are happening in your own wonderful world's?
I would be honoured to hear how your month has been and what magic you have experienced...
With gratitude...
P.s Just remembered also that I put together a travel story and am working on a few more at the moment. I managed to make it through to an editor back home in Australia at the first attempt so I expect to have more news on my journey into freelance writing soon...
Live your truth...
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