Sunday, October 3, 2010

First Book Review coming tomorrow...

I’ve been blessed again this year with the opportunity to spend time out on the beautiful west coast of Vancouver Island in Carmanah…living on a beach is something I never thought would come my way so I won’t mention the off-shore fishing, cooking in the restaurant for the hikers battling the 75km west coast trail or being involved in some organic farming…I’ll just skip to how this book review came about!

On weekends I would return to Victoria for filming and while driving back to Port Renfrew one Tuesday my old pal Alex and I stopped for coffee. I checked my email before we went out of phone reception and had a follow up email from a woman named Nina regarding a book review…the idea resonated with me as it was something that just appeared – effortless.
So fast forward a few weeks and now I’m back in Victoria and managed to find the original email Nina sent me and ready to present my first ever book review!
It was in reading Nina’s emails that I realised for the first time I have ‘readers’…I mean it’s almost been a year since I started my blog, intitially to coincide with a story in Monday Magazine on my healing work and it’s grown from there...So anyway I thought ‘Readers’…I don’t have readers! Then I realised well maybe I do…yeah…yeah I do…so I thought my readers would love to hear about the book and duly replied…

So for the first time i’d like to say hello to all my readers out there and welcome you to my journey…or our journey…

Now back to the book…

Contrary to the belief of some of my friends my area of interest is spirituality and not so much self-help. If I was to apply a 9-Step process to my life I am likely to start at number four, jump to six and then start from one and think about things a tad too much…feeling my way through life is what works for me.
Going through the process of reviewing the first few chapters has been a wonderful experience for me and it came at a very reflective time. I’ll share more about that all soon.
I initially started by taking notes and being very logical about it. It didn’t work for me so I’ve gone about it in an intuitive way that works for me and I trust you will enjoy it…
So what’s the book? Who wrote it? I can hear you asking…check that out tomorrow and please sign up as a follower if that speaks to you...

Until then stay open…

Live your truth…

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