Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Hey guys...

I have started designing some e-cards...let me know if you are interested in a personalised e-card...

Live your truth...

P.s Lots of exciting things happening for me...more to come later in the week...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Speckled dawn at the rising of the sun
My mind paints the picture of all that has become
Brightness emerges as she rises above the distant ridges
She greets me in the face as I choose truth over evil
Energies merging
I make the connection
Two beams into one
Two become three
Consciousness merging
Co-creation gives life to one
A third eye view unites us
The blinding no longer in existence
This unity knows no resistance
Flow meets flow
Together we will go…

Saturday, May 8, 2010

"Cool head...Warm heart" Ajahn Sona

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Success in life has nothing to do with the possessions we have. In freeing yourself of this 'stuff' you will find that beautiful journey within that your spirit is guiding you towards. An open heart and a trust in your intuition is all the ingredients you need to fill your backpack...