Thursday, December 9, 2010


Our book - 'Turn Your World Around' has been sent out to a few publishers and was well received by one that I know and trust, which was nice.

It's been interesting putting together publishing submissions. It's a very structured exercise and I've been lucky as putting together promotional plans and generating unique ideas is a strength of mine. It has been wonderful to see the ideas that have come to me in order to promote the book. I have to laugh though as the actual submission and personal bio is longer than the book! 

One is to turn the concept of Turn Your World Around into a full experience to engage the senses. This concept is something that came to me earlier in the year - not knowing how I would do this - it is amazing to see things unfolding the way they are. It reinforces for me to trust your journey no matter what direction you are being taken, keep trusting that all you have asked for already exists and you are moving along towards that.

This brings me to a screenplay idea I have to bring the book to life and reach people in another way. I won't be sitting down to plan it, I have the idea and trust once again that this is meant to be and the 'doing' will be effortless. The idea came to me while watching a movie with a friend last weekend and was a result of switching characters to demonstrate openness and different eyes to view the world (Which we all have the ability to do)...

I want to thank you for all your emails and words of encouragement along the way. I've been posting here for over a year now and it truly is a great gift to be able to connect with you all. You all respond in your own way and to think that people are benefiting from some of my thoughts and insights makes my heart swim.



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