Monday, April 12, 2010

A journey to trust...

I do some form of meditation each day - usually in the morning. On top of this I will do a self-healing or listen to some guided meditations by Martin Brofman or something new I have stumbled across.

As I have progressed to a daily meditation (It was quite difficult to begin with) I now like to combine this with a look at my chakras every now and then. I am always fascinated by what comes to me and I wanted to share what came to me this morning. Going through each chakra - from my root chakra to the crown - these are the messages that came to me:

Trust it...
Don't look for it, let it come - it is there...
Look through the new eyes...
Be the source - be yourself...
Everything is there waiting...
It is you...
It will help you...

The underlying theme is to trust my journey. Be patient. Keep looking through the new perceptive filter I have created for myself. Be a source of unconditional love - be who I am. Know and trust that I am being guided to all I have asked for in my life. Being guided by spirit is the life for me - it is me. Authority and infinite source will help guide me - stay open...

I know and trust that everyone has this ability. We can get there by listening, by trusting and by choosing the path that we know is the right one for us...

And in finding your truth - you can live that truth...

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